jeudi 1 mars 2012

march playlist - tongue loque mix

Hello, let's go warm, strong and dirty this month !

enjoy !

playlist :

01 bazar, hard to find, danny daze love dub, ellum audio;
02 namito, fake chicken & cheap soap, green horn 4,5, alexi delano remix, green horn;
03 mono electric orchestra, blunt force trauma, max cooper remix, manual music;
04 maetrik, the reason, cocoon;
05 maetrik, the entity, truesoul;
06 matador, kingswing, m-nus;
07 max cooper, epoch, herzblut;
08 yooj, mademoiselle, monique musique;
09 ross evana, guillotine, rekluse;
10 agoria, speechless, gesaffelstein remix, infiné.